Welcome to my blog

Im exploring aspects of mehndi,designs,techniques,significance,function and historical background. I incorporate patterns that are either modern and traditional,Indian or Arabic into contemporary jewellery.

15 August 2012

my mehndi kit

I want a fresh start as to how I design and make jewellery. I want to start by finding my patterns. Not full patterns but parts of patterns that when they are put together they form a pattern.im working towards making a book containing these patterns and making stamps of these elements and designing using the stamps to create jewellery. In the book will also illustrate how these elements can be made using different jewellery making skills. Il make one master element and make moulds of them and make jewellery combing all of them.

1. il have the elements
2. il make stamps for them
3. il make a master element
4. il have a mould for each element.

starting off with the stamps,im going back to the mehndi that i wore on my wedding and using bits and pieces from there.

figure 1
a few elements that i like using some that were found in my mehndi

figure 2
 a pattern is drawn onto vinyl with ball point pen and pierced out as shown in figure 2 and 3

figure 3

figure 4

figure 4 shows the pierced out element stuck onto clear perspex backing.reason for getting clear so that it is visible to see how or where the stamp is being placed

figure 5

figure 5 displays a few stamps made so far, now for some handles.....uhmmmmmm!
have to think about this.

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