Welcome to my blog

Im exploring aspects of mehndi,designs,techniques,significance,function and historical background. I incorporate patterns that are either modern and traditional,Indian or Arabic into contemporary jewellery.

07 March 2012

precious patterns

I used a simple mehndi pattern in a repititional manner.I did a few variations of how the neclace would work best. Just like mehndi you keep applying it till it fills up the spaces.
cut all my wires the same lenghts so that they will look similar,bending wire into petal shapes needs quite abit of patience especially if you have to make about 10 of them.The process soon becomes faster and neater after a few trys and mess ups.Getting just the right flame for soldering makes the process alot smoother

arranging the elements to see which looks better,sets better,feels better when being worn.

pretty,polished.wearable and looks very indian


  1. Hey Shellbell. I noticed in your blog description you speak of the "function and historical background" of mehndi. Are you hoping for your jewellery to be a visual trigger for people to associate with some sort of history? And if so, what?

  2. well I called it precious because I used the gold my grandmother has given me with the use of mehndi patterns, which to me is also precious in terms of tradional beliefs,but its for the viewer to determine what they belive is precious in the piece.
